Hitachi Healthcare Americas

Women's Health / Gynecology

The Nation's Best Hospitals Prefer Hitachi Healthcare

Hitachi Healthcare's focused dedication to diagnostic ultrasound imaging allows us to offer a wide range of products to meet the needs of every OB-GYN healthcare professional. Hitachi Healthcare's focus on system ease of use, reliability, portability, and overall image quality enables us to offer ultrasound systems that meet your needs. From our super premium systems, to our elegantly designed office-based systems; Hitachi Healthcare has the right solution for every practice size and diagnostic requirement.

Women's Health Applications



The ARIETTA 70 incorporates all of the proven technologies and functions that specialists have come to expect from Hitachi Healthcare.

The advanced architecture of the ARIETTA 70 has been completely redesigned and its premium performance created by the commitment to produce exceptional “sound”.

ProSound F75

ProSound F75

Our Ultra Premium F75 ultrasound system is designed for maximum flexibility and utility across multiple imaging environments.

Exam results are obtained with fewer keystrokes which allows you to focus on the patient rather than on system operation. The F75 is supports multiple clinical applications with a very wide selection of probes and outstanding image quality.

ProSound F37

ProSound F37

Simplicity enhanced in a compact and practical design.

The F37 delivers outstanding images while mantaining comfort for the patient and the examiner. Smart and clear imaging combined with eFLOW and Auto Angle Correct makes this a small and reliable system for your work environment.