Hitachi Healthcare Americas

General Imaging / Vascular

The Nation's Best Hospitals Prefer Hitachi Healthcare

Hitachi Healthcare ultrasound systems are designed for premium performance and unparalleled image quality providing you with ease of use and diagnostic accuracy. Hitachi Healthcare's dedication to our customers yields innovative ultrasound technology, professional support and the specialized tools necessary to quickly and confidently perform ultrasound exams and improve patient care.

For precise vascular ultrasound imaging, Hitachi Healthcare offers premium level solutions that include:

  • Intuitive cutting edge technology for ease of use
  • Extraordinary high-resolution digital imaging
  • The most comprehensive portfolio of specialty transducers in the industry

General Imaging Applications

ProSound F75

ProSound F75

Our Ultra Premium F75 ultrasound system is designed for maximum flexibility and utility across multiple imaging environments.

Exam results are obtained with fewer keystrokes which allows you to focus on the patient rather than on system operation. The F75 is supports multiple clinical applications with a very wide selection of probes and outstanding image quality.