Hitachi Healthcare Americas

Urology / MRI Fusion Targeted Biopsy Solutions

The Nation's Best Hospitals Prefer Hitachi Healthcare

Dedicated ultrasound solutions for the urologist in all settings - Private Office, Clinic, Hospital or Ambulatory Surgery Center.

Hitachi Healthcare understands that urologists demand high quality technology, professional support and the specialized tools to best perform comprehensive real-time ultrasound imaging that enables outstanding patient care.

For precise urological imaging, Hitachi Healthcare offers premium level solutions that include:

  • Easy to use and intuitive interface
  • Extraordinary high resolution digital imaging
  • Multi-Parametric imaging modalities including:
  • Real-Time Tissue Elastography
  • Contrast Harmonic Imaging* – better visualization of tumors to improve understanding of blood flow information

* In the USA, contrast-enhanced ultrasound has not been market cleared by the FDA for all imaging applications.

Urology Applications